Guaranteed Income Movement Work
New York City Passes Legislation to Support Direct Cash Transfer Pilots! In June 2023 the New York City Council passed local law 561-B to create a pathway for City funds to support unconditional cash transfer projects like ours! Members of the YouthNPower: Transforming Care Collective were invited to help shape the law, which helps lay the foundation for City funding to expand and support new projects for young people.
Point Source Youth National Symposium On Solutions to End Youth Homelessness. In June 2023, YouthNPower: Transforming Care Collective members T’Coy Adams, Grace Tatom, Amal Kharoufi, Embraia Fraizer, Chanel Smith, Christine Joseph and Jose Perez joined leaders from across the U.S. to explore strategies to address youth homelessness, including direct cash transfer projects like ours in NYC.
Supporting Young Adults Through a Guaranteed Income. In February 2023, our partners at the Center for the Study of Social Policy released a policy paper that the YouthNPower: Transforming Care Collective had a chance to review and provide feedback and input. It’s a powerful argument for the need to expand unconditional cash support.