YouthNPower: Transforming Care publishes first report
YouthNPower: Transforming Care publishes its first report: “We deserve action, not just words:” Findings of a Survey of Former Foster Youth in New York City! In the summer of 2023, we launched the first ever direct cash transfer pilot for youth transitioning from foster care, designed with young people who have experienced foster care. This new research brief is part of our larger participatory research and advocacy project designed to document the impact of direct cash support for young adults who have recently aged out of care. Our goal is to better understand the issues youth face as they navigate life after foster care and to advocate for policy changes that will enrich their lives. The data presented comes from a baseline survey of our 100 pilot participants who closely reflect their peers across New York City. The survey was taken in June 2023, just before the participants received the first of their 12 $1000 monthly payments. We share these findings from the first phase of our research with the hope of informing current City and State policy making and movement building work aimed at improving the lives of youth after foster care.